This article references: "HAMi vGPU Principle Analysis Part 2: hami-webhook Principle Analysis". Thanks to "Exploring Cloud Native" for their continued attention and contribution to HAMi.
In the previous article, we analyzed hami-device-plugin-nvidia and learned about HAMi's NVIDIA device plugin working principles.
This article is the second part of HAMi principle analysis, focusing on analyzing the hami-scheduler implementation principles.
To implement vGPU-based scheduling, HAMi implemented its own Scheduler: hami-scheduler, which includes basic scheduling logic as well as advanced scheduling strategies like spread & binpack.
The main questions include:
Due to the extensive content, it has been split into three articles: hami-webhook, hami-scheduler, and Spread&Binpack scheduling strategies. This article mainly addresses the first question.
The following analysis is based on HAMi v2.4.0: https://github.com/Project-HAMi/HAMi/releases/tag/v2.4.0
hami-scheduler specifically includes two components:
Although there are two components, the code is actually placed together, with cmd/scheduler/main.go
as the startup file: here it's also implemented as a command-line tool using the cobra library.
var (
sher *scheduler.Scheduler
tlsKeyFile string
tlsCertFile string
rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "scheduler",
Short: "kubernetes vgpu scheduler",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
func main() {
if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {
The final start method is as follows:
func start() {
sher = scheduler.NewScheduler()
defer sher.Stop()
// start monitor metrics
go sher.RegisterFromNodeAnnotations()
go initMetrics(config.MetricsBindAddress)
// start http server
router := httprouter.New()
router.POST("/filter", routes.PredicateRoute(sher))
router.POST("/bind", routes.Bind(sher))
router.POST("/webhook", routes.WebHookRoute())
router.GET("/healthz", routes.HealthzRoute())
klog.Info("listen on ", config.HTTPBind)
if len(tlsCertFile) == 0 || len(tlsKeyFile) == 0 {
if err := http.ListenAndServe(config.HTTPBind, router); err != nil {
klog.Fatal("Listen and Serve error, ", err)
} else {
if err := http.ListenAndServeTLS(config.HTTPBind, tlsCertFile, tlsKeyFile, router); err != nil {
klog.Fatal("Listen and Serve error, ", err)
It first initializes the Device, then starts the Scheduler, followed by starting a Goroutine to continuously parse and obtain specific GPU information from the Annotations previously added to the Node object by the device plugin, and finally starts an HTTP service.
sher = scheduler.NewScheduler()
defer sher.Stop()
router := httprouter.New()
router.POST("/filter", routes.PredicateRoute(sher))
router.POST("/bind", routes.Bind(sher))
router.POST("/webhook", routes.WebHookRoute())
router.GET("/healthz", routes.HealthzRoute())
is the Webhook component/filter
and /bind
are the Scheduler components/healthz
is used for health checksNext, we'll analyze the implementation of both Webhook and Scheduler through the source code.
The Webhook here is a Mutating Webhook, mainly serving the Scheduler.
Its core functionality is: Based on the ResourceName in the Pod Resource field, determine whether the Pod uses HAMi vGPU. If yes, modify the Pod's SchedulerName to hami-scheduler for scheduling by hami-scheduler; if not, no processing is needed.
To make the Webhook effective, HAMi creates a MutatingWebhookConfiguration
object during deployment, with the following content:
root@test:~# kubectl -n kube-system get MutatingWebhookConfiguration vgpu-hami-webhook -oyaml
apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
meta.helm.sh/release-name: vgpu
meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: kube-system
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
name: vgpu-hami-webhook
- admissionReviewVersions:
- v1beta1
caBundle: xxx
name: vgpu-hami-scheduler
namespace: kube-system
path: /webhook
port: 443
failurePolicy: Ignore
matchPolicy: Equivalent
name: vgpu.hami.io
- key: hami.io/webhook
operator: NotIn
- ignore
- key: hami.io/webhook
operator: NotIn
- ignore
reinvocationPolicy: Never
- apiGroups:
- ""
- v1
- pods
scope: '*'
sideEffects: None
timeoutSeconds: 10
The specific effect is that when creating a Pod, kube-apiserver will call the webhook corresponding to this service, thus injecting our custom logic.
It focuses on Pod CREATE events:
- apiGroups:
- ""
- v1
- pods
scope: '*'
But excludes the following objects:
- key: hami.io/webhook
operator: NotIn
- ignore
- key: hami.io/webhook
operator: NotIn
- ignore
That is: namespaces or resource objects with the hami.io/webhook=ignore
label do not go through this Webhook logic.
The requested Webhook is:
name: vgpu-hami-scheduler
namespace: kube-system
path: /webhook
port: 443
Meaning: for Pod CREATE operations that meet the conditions, kube-apiserver will call the service specified by this service, which is our hami-webhook.
Next, let's analyze what exactly hami-webhook does.
The specific implementation of this webhook is as follows:
// pkg/scheduler/webhook.go#L52
func (h *webhook) Handle(_ context.Context, req admission.Request) admission.Response {
pod := &corev1.Pod{}
err := h.decoder.Decode(req, pod)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to decode request: %v", err)
return admission.Errored(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
if len(pod.Spec.Containers) == 0 {
klog.Warningf(template+" - Denying admission as pod has no containers", req.Namespace, req.Name, req.UID)
return admission.Denied("pod has no containers")
klog.Infof(template, req.Namespace, req.Name, req.UID)
hasResource := false
for idx, ctr := range pod.Spec.Containers {
c := &pod.Spec.Containers[idx]
if ctr.SecurityContext != nil {
if ctr.SecurityContext.Privileged != nil && *ctr.SecurityContext.Privileged {
klog.Warningf(template+" - Denying admission as container %s is privileged", req.Namespace, req.Name, req.UID, c.Name)
for _, val := range device.GetDevices() {
found, err := val.MutateAdmission(c)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("validating pod failed:%s", err.Error())
return admission.Errored(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
hasResource = hasResource || found
if !hasResource {
klog.Infof(template+" - Allowing admission for pod: no resource found", req.Namespace, req.Name, req.UID)
//return admission.Allowed("no resource found")
} else if len(config.SchedulerName) > 0 {
pod.Spec.SchedulerName = config.SchedulerName
marshaledPod, err := json.Marshal(pod)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf(template+" - Failed to marshal pod, error: %v", req.Namespace, req.Name, req.UID, err)
return admission.Errored(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
return admission.PatchResponseFromRaw(req.Object.Raw, marshaledPod)
The logic is relatively simple:
The Webhook mainly determines based on whether the Pod requests vGPU resources, though there are some special cases.
First, for privileged mode Pods, HAMi directly ignores them:
if ctr.SecurityContext != nil {
if ctr.SecurityContext.Privileged != nil && *ctr.SecurityContext.Privileged {
klog.Warningf(template+" - Denying admission as container %s is privileged", req.Namespace, req.Name, req.UID, c.Name)
This is because after enabling privileged mode, the Pod can access all devices on the host, so further restrictions would be meaningless, therefore it's directly ignored.
Then it determines whether hami-scheduler is needed for scheduling based on the Resources in the Pod:
for _, val := range device.GetDevices() {
found, err := val.MutateAdmission(c)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("validating pod failed:%s", err.Error())
return admission.Errored(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
hasResource = hasResource || found
If the Pod Resource requests vGPU resources supported by HAMi, then it needs to be scheduled by HAMi-Scheduler.
The Devices supported by HAMi are those initialized earlier in start:
var devices map[string]Devices
func GetDevices() map[string]Devices {
return devices
func InitDevices() {
devices = make(map[string]Devices)
DevicesToHandle = []string{}
devices[cambricon.CambriconMLUDevice] = cambricon.InitMLUDevice()
devices[nvidia.NvidiaGPUDevice] = nvidia.InitNvidiaDevice()
devices[hygon.HygonDCUDevice] = hygon.InitDCUDevice()
devices[iluvatar.IluvatarGPUDevice] = iluvatar.InitIluvatarDevice()
//devices[d.AscendDevice] = d.InitDevice()
//devices[ascend.Ascend310PName] = ascend.InitAscend310P()
DevicesToHandle = append(DevicesToHandle, nvidia.NvidiaGPUCommonWord)
DevicesToHandle = append(DevicesToHandle, cambricon.CambriconMLUCommonWord)
DevicesToHandle = append(DevicesToHandle, hygon.HygonDCUCommonWord)
DevicesToHandle = append(DevicesToHandle, iluvatar.IluvatarGPUCommonWord)
//DevicesToHandle = append(DevicesToHandle, d.AscendDevice)
//DevicesToHandle = append(DevicesToHandle, ascend.Ascend310PName)
for _, dev := range ascend.InitDevices() {
devices[dev.CommonWord()] = dev
DevicesToHandle = append(DevicesToHandle, dev.CommonWord())
devices is a global variable, InitDevices initializes this variable for use in the Webhook, including NVIDIA, Hygon, Tianshu, Ascend, etc.
Taking NVIDIA as an example to explain how HAMi determines whether a Pod needs its scheduling, the specific implementation of MutateAdmission is as follows:
func (dev *NvidiaGPUDevices) MutateAdmission(ctr *corev1.Container) (bool, error) {
/*gpu related */
priority, ok := ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourcePriority)]
if ok {
ctr.Env = append(ctr.Env, corev1.EnvVar{
Name: api.TaskPriority,
Value: fmt.Sprint(priority.Value()),
_, resourceNameOK := ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourceName)]
if resourceNameOK {
return resourceNameOK, nil
_, resourceCoresOK := ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourceCores)]
_, resourceMemOK := ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourceMem)]
_, resourceMemPercentageOK := ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourceMemPercentage)]
if resourceCoresOK || resourceMemOK || resourceMemPercentageOK {
if config.DefaultResourceNum > 0 {
ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourceName)] = *resource.NewQuantity(int64(config.DefaultResourceNum), resource.BinarySI)
resourceNameOK = true
if !resourceNameOK && OverwriteEnv {
ctr.Env = append(ctr.Env, corev1.EnvVar{
Value: "none",
return resourceNameOK, nil
First, it checks if the Pod's Resource has the corresponding ResourceName and returns true directly if it does
_, resourceNameOK := ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourceName)]
if resourceNameOK {
return resourceNameOK, nil
The ResourceName for NVIDIA GPU is:
fs.StringVar(&ResourceName, "resource-name", "nvidia.com/gpu", "resource name")
If the Pod Resource requests this resource, it needs to be scheduled by HAMi. The same applies to other Resources, so we won't look at them in detail.
HAMi supports GPUs from manufacturers like NVIDIA, Tianshu, Huawei, Cambricon, Hygon, etc., with default ResourceNames like nvidia.com/gpu, iluvatar.ai/vgpu, hygon.com/dcunum, cambricon.com/mlu, huawei.com/Ascend310, etc. Using these ResourceNames will all be scheduled by HAMi-Scheduler. PS: These ResourceNames can be configured in their respective device plugins.
If the Pod hasn't directly requested nvidia.com/gpu but has requested resources like gpucore, gpumem, and if the Webhook's DefaultResourceNum is greater than 0, it will also return true and automatically add the nvidia.com/gpu resource request.
_, resourceCoresOK := ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourceCores)]
_, resourceMemOK := ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourceMem)]
_, resourceMemPercentageOK := ctr.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceName(ResourceMemPercentage)]
For Pods meeting the above conditions that need to be scheduled by HAMi-Scheduler, the Webhook will change the Pod's spec.schedulerName to hami-scheduler:
if !hasResource {
klog.Infof(template+" - Allowing admission for pod: no resource found", req.Namespace, req.Name, req.UID)
//return admission.Allowed("no resource found")
} else if len(config.SchedulerName) > 0 {
pod.Spec.SchedulerName = config.SchedulerName
This way the Pod will be scheduled by HAMi-Scheduler, and next comes the hami-scheduler logic.
There's also a special logic here: if nodeName is directly specified during creation, the Webhook will directly reject it, because specifying nodeName means the Pod doesn't need scheduling at all and will start directly on the specified node, but without going through scheduling, that node might not have enough resources.
if pod.Spec.NodeName != "" {
klog.Infof(template+" - Pod already has node assigned", req.Namespace, req.Name, req.UID)
return admission.Denied("pod has node assigned")
The purpose of this Webhook is to modify the scheduler of Pods requesting vGPU resources to hami-scheduler, which will then be used for scheduling.
There are also some special cases:
Based on these special cases, the following issues might occur, which have been reported multiple times by community members:
Because the Webhook skips privileged mode Pods, such Pods will use the default-scheduler for scheduling, and when the default-scheduler checks the Pod's ResourceName, it finds that no Node has gpucore, gpumem, or other resources, so it cannot schedule, leaving the Pod in Pending status.
PS: gpucore, gpumem are virtual resources and won't be shown on the Node, only hami-scheduler can handle them.
HAMi Webhook workflow is as follows:
At this point, we've clarified why Pods use hami-scheduler and which Pods will use hami-scheduler for scheduling. It also explains why privileged mode Pods cannot be scheduled.
Next, we'll start analyzing the hami-scheduler implementation.
To learn more about RiseUnion's GPU virtualization and computing power management solutions, contact@riseunion.io