Abstract: This is the first article analyzing the implementation principles of the open-source vGPU solution HAMi, focusing on analyzing the implementation principles of hami-device-plugin-nvidia.
Source: "HAMi vGPU Implementation Analysis Part1: hami-device-plugin-nvidia Implementation". Thanks to "Exploring Cloud Native" for their continued attention and contributions to HAMi.
Previously, we introduced what HAMi is in Open Source vGPU Solution: HAMi, Implementing Fine-grained GPU Partitioning, and then tested HAMi's vGPU solution in Open Source vGPU Solution HAMi: core&memory Isolation Testing.
Next, we'll analyze the implementation principles of vGPU in HAMi step by step. Since there are many aspects involved, it will be divided into several parts:
This article is the first part, analyzing the implementation principles of hami-device-plugin-nvidia.
NVIDIA has its own device plugin implementation, so the question arises: Why does HAMi need to implement its own device plugin? What features does hami-device-plugin-nvidia have that NVIDIA's native device plugin doesn't? With these questions in mind, let's start examining the hami-device-plugin-nvidia source code.
This section requires readers to be familiar with GPU Operator, k8s device plugin, etc., for a smoother reading experience.
Recommended Reading:
We'll assume readers are familiar with these topics, especially the last two articles
HAMi first supports NVIDIA GPU by implementing a separate device plugin for nvidia.
Assuming everyone is familiar with k8s device plugin mechanism, we'll only analyze core code logic here to keep the article concise.
For a device plugin, we generally focus on 3 areas:
The startup command is in /cmd/device-plugin/nvidia, using github.com/urfave/cli/v2
to build a command-line tool.
[Code block showing main() function and addFlags() function]
We only need to focus on a few parameters being received:
Name: "device-split-count",
Value: 2,
Usage: "the number for NVIDIA device split",
EnvVars: []string{"DEVICE_SPLIT_COUNT"},
Name: "device-memory-scaling",
Value: 1.0,
Usage: "the ratio for NVIDIA device memory scaling",
EnvVars: []string{"DEVICE_MEMORY_SCALING"},
Name: "device-cores-scaling",
Value: 1.0,
Usage: "the ratio for NVIDIA device cores scaling",
EnvVars: []string{"DEVICE_CORES_SCALING"},
Name: "disable-core-limit",
Value: false,
Usage: "If set, the core utilization limit will be ignored",
EnvVars: []string{"DISABLE_CORE_LIMIT"},
Name: "resource-name",
Value: "nvidia.com/gpu",
Usage: "the name of field for number GPU visible in container",
as it conflicts with nvidia native one.The Register method implementation is as follows:
[Code block showing Register() implementation]
Core information when registering device plugin:
If we use all default values, ResourceName would be nvidia.com/vgpu
, Endpoint would be /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/nvidia-vgpu.sock
in Pod Resource, this ResourceName doesn't match with hami plugin, so it's not handled by hami device plugin nvidia but by nvidia's own device plugin.This is a special logic in HAMi device plugin, which adds GPU information on the node to Node object as annotations.
Here it communicates directly with kube-apiserver instead of using the traditional device plugin reporting process.
The annotations reported here will be used by HAMi-Scheduler as part of the scheduling basis, which we'll analyze in detail when discussing HAMi-Scheduler.
[Code blocks showing WatchAndRegister implementation]
Gets GPU information on the Node and assembles it into api.DeviceInfo objects.
[Code blocks showing getAPIDevices implementation]
After getting Device information, call kube-apiserver to update Node object's Annotations to store Device information.
[Code blocks showing annotation update]
This should normally go through k8s device plugin interface to report information, but this is HAMi's special logic.
Let's look at the Annotations on Node to see what data is recorded here:
root@j99cloudvm:~# k get node j99cloudvm -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Node
hami.io/node-handshake: Requesting_2024.09.25 07:48:26
hami.io/node-nvidia-register: 'GPU-03f69c50-207a-2038-9b45-23cac89cb67d,10,46068,100,NVIDIA-NVIDIA
hami.io/node-nvidia-register is the GPU information updated to Node by HAMi's device plugin, formatted:
GPU-03f69c50-207a-2038-9b45-23cac89cb67d,10,46068,100,NVIDIA-NVIDIA A40,0,true:
GPU-1afede84-4e70-2174-49af-f07ebb94d1ae,10,46068,100,NVIDIA-NVIDIA A40,0,true:
The current node has two A40 GPUs,
GPU-03f69c50-207a-2038-9b45-23cac89cb67d: GPU device UUID 10,46068,100: Split into 10 parts, 46068M memory per card, 100 cores (indicating no oversubscription configured) NVIDIA-NVIDIA: GPU type A40: GPU model 0: Indicates GPU's NUMA structure true: Indicates this GPU is healthy : The final colon is a separator
Note: This information will be used by hami-scheduler during scheduling, we'll ignore it for now.
The Register method consists of two parts:
The ListAndWatch method is used to detect devices on the node and report them to Kubelet.
Since the same GPU needs to be split for multiple Pods to use, HAMi's device plugin also has Device replication operations similar to TimeSlicing.
[Code blocks showing ListAndWatch implementation]
ListAndWatch doesn't have much additional logic, mainly similar to TimeSlicing's Device replication operation based on DeviceSplitCount.
Because although HAMi can achieve GPU partitioning, each Pod in k8s will consume the requested Resource, so to conform to k8s logic, physical GPUs are generally replicated to accommodate more GPUs.
HAMi's Allocate implementation includes two parts:
environment variable, then lets NVIDIA Container Toolkit allocate GPU to the containerBecause HAMi doesn't have the ability to allocate GPU to containers, in addition to HAMi's custom logic, it also includes NVIDIA's native logic.
This way, when Pod has environment variables, NVIDIA Container Toolkit will allocate GPU for it, and HAMi's custom logic replaces libvgpu.so and adds some environment variables to achieve GPU restrictions.
[Code blocks showing Allocate implementation]
Core parts:
The Allocate method includes three core things:
Now the working principle of HAMi's NVIDIA device plugin is clear.
First, Register plugin registration can be configured to use a different ResourceName from native nvidia device plugin for distinction.
Additionally, it will start a background goroutine WatchAndRegister to periodically update GPU information to Node object's Annotations for Scheduler use.
Then, ListAndWatch replicates Device according to configuration when detecting devices, allowing the same device to be allocated to multiple Pods.
Finally, the Allocate method mainly does three things:
environment variable to container, leveraging NVIDIA Container Toolkit for GPU allocationCUDA_DEVICE_MEMORY_LIMIT_X
to container, working with libvgpu.so to implement GPU core and memory limitationsThe core is actually in the Allocate method, adding CUDA_DEVICE_MEMORY_LIMIT_X
environment variables to container and mounting libvgpu.so to container for original driver replacement.
When container starts, CUDA API requests go through libvgpu.so first, then libvgpu.so implements Core & Memory limitations based on environment variables CUDA_DEVICE_MEMORY_LIMIT_X
Finally answering the questions raised at the beginning: Why does HAMi need to implement its own device plugin? What features does hami-device-plugin-nvidia have that NVIDIA's native device plugin doesn't?
The hami device plugin made several modifications compared to native NVIDIA device plugin:
, working with libvgpu.so to implement GPU core and memory limitationsThe Allocate method needs to mount libvgpu.so to Pod, using HostPath mount method, indicating this libvgpu.so exists on the host machine.
So the question is, where does libvgpu.so on the host machine come from?
This is actually packaged in HAMi's device-plugin image, and copied from Pod to host machine when device-plugin starts. Related yaml is as follows:
value: all
- name: HOOK_PATH
value: /usr/local
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- /bin/sh
- -c
- cp -f /k8s-vgpu/lib/nvidia/* /usr/local/vgpu/
name: device-plugin
resources: {}
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
- mountPath: /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins
name: device-plugin
- mountPath: /usr/local/vgpu
name: lib
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